Troubleshooting Tunfish

Troubleshooting WireGuard

DKMS module not available

If the following command does not list any module after you installed wireguard-dkms,:

modprobe wireguard && lsmod | grep wireguard

or if creating a new link returns:

# ip link add dev wg0 type wireguard
RTNETLINK answers: Operation not supported

you probably miss the linux headers.

These headers are available in linux-headers or linux-lts-headers depending of the kernel installed on your system.

After installing the appropriate linux kernel headers,:

apt -y install linux-headers-$(uname -r)

just do:

dpkg-reconfigure wireguard-dkms


To dump the WireGuard configuration, use:

wg showconf wg0-server



tcpdump -i wg0-server

in combination with an ICMP ping:

vagrant@tf-alice:~# ping

on both machines might tell you whether your packets are reaching the remote peer or if they're not getting through the tunnel.

Troubleshooting VXLAN

Display information about bridge device:

brctl show tb-quickstart
bridge monitor

Display Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) information:

brctl showstp tb-quickstart

Display MAC and ARP information:

brctl showmacs tb-quickstart
arp -a

Ping MAC address through ARP:

arping -i tb-quickstart 96:71:7d:db:cd:36

To see the dynamic MAC address assignment in action while bouncing the link on the remote machine, run:

watch -n0.5 'arp -a; echo; brctl showmacs tb-quickstart'